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About Us


My name is Rich Strolis and I have been tying commercially now for almost twenty years.  I specialize in custom flies for the serious angler and have been featured in a variety of books and magazines over the last two decades.  In the pages that follow are the bulk of my own personal flies that I offer in large production capacity.  If your shop is looking for something a bit different with time tested fish appeal, then browse the pages that follow.  When I say custom, these are all tied in house by my own two hands.  I am always open and willing to work with you in building something that will suit your local fisheries.  

Aside from the flies within, I tie many household patterns that are readily available; if you are looking for a higher quality version of what other outfits offer with a greater level of durability, you’ve found “your guy”.  I began tying commercially out of necessity while guiding, as I was always disappointed in the lack of durability that many commercially tied flies possessed, and the limited variations that they’re offered.  Sometimes slightly different is better, and I look forward to working with you and your shop in providing your customers with truly unique and reliable flies.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at any of the listed means below.  Have a great day and season on the water.

 If you are the owner or manager of a flyshop and wish to carry my flies in your establishment and are interested in our catalog.  Please fill out the contact form and request a catalog and I will gladly send it along. 

-Rich Strolis



 Richard Strolis Fly Fisher Guide LLC 

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