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Classified Caddis Pupa (deep)

Rich Strolis

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depending on amount of orders could be 1-14 days
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My spin off of Gary Lafontaine's sparkle pupa.  This particular fly is the only one I fish for caddis pupa.  Pick your sizes accordingly to the hatches in your neighborhood. Beaded to be fished deep.  This fly is my favorite pupa pattern.  If uncertain here is a general breakdown but I can tie them however you'd like.
Bright Green:  14,16,18
Black Caddis: 16,18
Tan: 12,14,16
Cream: 12,14,16
Dark Blue Sedge: 12,10
Pumpkin: 12,10,8

Just tell me in the comments if you want brass or tungsten for the beads.